Episode 21: Biggest Mistakes Amazon Sellers Make with Jessica Dahlquist

Our client success team at TurnKey have talked to hundreds of Amazon sellers, all with pain points keeping them from reaching their sales goals on this platform. While each situation is unique, there are common threads that unite Amazon sellers and today’s episode is chatting with a member of our Client Success Team, Jessica Dahlquist. […]

Om Podcasten

At TurnKey Product Management, we help brands sell over 8-figures per year on Amazon. On this podcast, we are sharing with you the tips and tricks of Amazon, how we are helping clients up-level their Amazon game, and you'll hear from other sellers and experts who have walked the road before you. This is your go-to resource for everything Amazon! If you're in need more more Amazon support you can visit: www.TurnKeyProductManagement.com, and be sure to follow us on Instagram @TurnKeyProductManagement, on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TurnkeyProductManagement/, or at our YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdm_yE3z7vJ1xjKjZaKE2Sw.