Pod Dylan 282 – If You Gotta Go, Go Now
Rob welcomes back Bobcat Lindsay Davidson to discuss "If You Gotta Go, Go Now", an outtake from 1965's BRINGING IT ALL BACK HOME. This Episode is for FM+ Subscribers Only. If you're not yet a subscriber, you'll hear a special preview version of this episode. To hear the full episode, sign up for FM Pods + in Apple Podcasts or at FMPods.com. Have a question or comment? Contact: https://fmpods.com/podcasts/poddylan Follow us on Twitter: @Pod_Dylan POD DYLAN "Jukebox" T-Shirt now available: https://www.etsy.com/shop/RobKellyCreative Complete list of all songs covered so far: Pod Dylan Songs This podcast is part of the FM Podcast Network. Thanks for listening! UgFlUnTxhNRhlTl4PuVo