S07 E03: Centering Civil Rights in Technology

Technology is an integral part of our everyday lives. Thanks to technological advances, there are increased connections and efficiencies around how we learn, work, and play. However, technology, like every other aspect of our society, can perpetuate harms and inequities if we are not intentional around its development and implementation. Artificial intelligence (AI) is the perfect example of technology that could benefit humankind but is causing great harm through discrimination and disinformation. As we witnessed in recent elections, AI has been used to continue election interference tactics. And certainly, there are significant concerns around the way that AI will be used in the high stakes 2024 presidential election. In response to these concerns, last fall, the Leadership Conference established the Center on Civil Rights and Technology to anchor emerging and existing technology in civil rights. This episode will explore the latest tech and civil rights happenings, focusing on AI and misinformation. We will also introduce the Center and its work to ensure civil rights and technology go hand in hand.

Om Podcasten

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights launched “Pod for the Cause” podcast to expand the conversation on critical civil and human rights challenges of our day: census, justice reform, policing, education, fighting hate & bias, judicial nominations, fair courts, voting rights, media & tech, economic security, immigration, and human rights. Through this expanded dialogue, we want to spur activism that drives change in our communities and country. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favorite podcast app and leave a 5-star review.