S07 E07: Music and the Movement

June has been designated a month of awareness for several civil rights causes and constituencies. From LGBTQ Pride and Stonewall to Caribbean American Heritage and Juneteenth, the month reminds us of our ongoing efforts to achieve an America as good as its ideals. And as June is also designated Black Music Appreciation Month, we know that whatever the civil rights fight, music has been the soundtrack and a catalyst for change. Gospel’s freedom songs like "We Shall Overcome" gave voice to the struggle for racial equality in the 1950s and 60s, accompanying marches, rallies, and sit-ins. Today, hip hop music has become a powerful medium for championing the underserved and holding the powerful accountable on issues like police violence. This episode will explore music as a tool for resilience, solidarity, and activism as we advance all movements for justice and equality.

Om Podcasten

The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights launched “Pod for the Cause” podcast to expand the conversation on critical civil and human rights challenges of our day: census, justice reform, policing, education, fighting hate & bias, judicial nominations, fair courts, voting rights, media & tech, economic security, immigration, and human rights. Through this expanded dialogue, we want to spur activism that drives change in our communities and country. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to the show on your favorite podcast app and leave a 5-star review.