08: You Must Know This One Trick Before Creating Digital Products

Some "gurus" tell you to give your best stuff away for free. Those might be the same people that tell you "if you build it, they will come!". The reality is that more podcasters get stuck creating content that they give away for free than actually monetize their shows. Learn how to know what content to give away and what content to charge for with this simple framework that we talk about in today's episode. If you'd like to come join our private FB Group, we would welcome you: https://facebook.com/groups/PodcastMonetizationSecrets

Om Podcasten

Hey Podcaster! It's time to get serious about monetizing your show. There are so many ways to make money with your podcast and if you aren't making a dime, it's time to change that once and for all! We don't want you stuck in "free content creation mode" forever - we want you to learn how to build sustainable revenue every single time you publish an episode. Your host, Christy Haussler, has launched dozens of podcasts and works full time as a podcast strategist and producer. She geeks out on the marketing aspect of podcasting and will show you the exact framework to follow to get your podcast bringing in money rather than sucking it out of your bank account!