Synopsis of The Saylor Series with Michael Saylor (WiM221)

The "What is Money?" Show ✓ Claim Key Takeaways  Money is energy; a monetary system is an energy system “The civilization that channels energy most effectively wins.” – Michael Saylor  Debasing the currency is equivalent to energy leaking out of the system; at a 7% debasement rate, half of the energy leaks from the system every ten yearsEngineers design systems with the laws of thermodynamics in mind, but economists do not You cannot cheat mother nature; an energy system cannot cheat the laws of physics  As the currency leaked 7-14% of its energy per year over the past several decades, market participants realized that the US dollar was not a store of value, so they monetized other assets, such as the S&P 500 and real estate, to preserve their purchasing power Leakage destroys energy systems; in the context of a monetary system, leakage is monetary inflation   When money works perfectly, it is economic energy. But when it is captured by politics and becomes corrupted, it becomes imperfect energy    Satoshi Nakamoto created an engineering solution to monetary debasement and central banking The recipe for creating virtue in a monetary system is to plug it into nature; proof-of-work mining subjects Bitcoin to the virtues of nature “Just like we can’t expect to advance without mastering the flow of water, or mechanics, or fire, or electricity, we can’t really expect to drive forward the socio-economic-political systems of humanity without mastering money, or monetary engineering.” – Michael Saylor   Read the full notes @ podcastnotes.orgMichael Saylor joins me for a synopsis of our 17-episode series together titled "The Saylor Series." For those who don't have time for the ~25 hours of content contained in The Saylor Series, this ~1 hour episode crystallizes many of its key insights.Be sure to check out Swan Private, the trusted Bitcoin financial services provider for high-net-worth individuals and businesses worldwide:"The Saylor Series" book:"The Saylor Series" playlist: Saylor's Twitter: Saylor's Website: is Hope Website: Saylor's Company: Saylor Academy: Website: Podcast: Spotify: Feed: “What is Money?” Intro Music00:00:08 “What is Money?” Intro Message00:00:54 Learn about Bitcoin with Swan Private at SwanPrivate.Com/Breedlove00:01:48 Do More with Your Digital Assets with Ledn00:02:33 Setting Up the Synopsis of The Saylor Series00:04:48 Money is the Highest Form of Energy Humans Can Channel00:09:41 Bitcoin as an Appropriately Engineered Monetary System00:12:22 Ancient Energy Technologies: Fire, Missiles, and Hydraulics00:20:00 How Does Monopolization Destroy Monetary Networks?00:27:11 “You Cannot Fly a Corrupted Airplane”00:32:59 Take Control of Your Healthcare with CrowdHealth00:34:01 A Bitcoin Wallet with Privacy Built-In: Wasabi Wallet00:34:36 Join me at The Pacific Bitcoin Conference 2022 in LA!00:35:15 Join me at Bitcoin Conference 2023 in Miami!00:36:00 Invest in the Fine Art Market with Masterworks00:36:36 Hold Bitcoin is the Most Secure Custody Model with Casa00:37:24 Currency Debasement Collapses Civilization00:41:32 The Problems and History of Politicized Money00:45:58 Present-Day Currency Debasement and the Road Ahead…00:49:18 Ayn Rand’s Mission: “To Separate the Economy from The State”00:54:09 What are the Potential Benefits of a Global Incorruptible Money?01:01:30 The Costs of Chronic Energy Leakage on Complex Systems01:05:40 Defective Money Cripples the Economy01:08:19 How to Free Ourselves from the “Fiat Zoo”01:17:23 “What is Money?” Outro MusicSOCIALBreedlove Twitter: Twitter: My Current Work: WRITTEN WORKMedium: WAYS TO CONTRIBUTEBitcoin: 3D1gfxKZKMtfWaD1bkwiR6JsDzu6e9bZQ7Sats via Strike: via via Paypal: via Venmo: "What is Money?" Show Patreon Page: RECOMMENDED BUSINESSESSwan Private guides high-net-worth individuals and businesses in all areas of Bitcoin strategy: lets you do more with your digital assets: offers an innovative health insurance model based on Bitcoin and community: Wallet is a Bitcoin wallet with privacy built-in by default: is an innovative and education-focused cryptoasset exchange platform—earn $50 in free Bitcoin by signing up at: me at Pacific Bitcoin Conference 2022 in LA, use discount code BREEDLOVE: Me At Bitcoin 2023 in Miami, and use discount code BREEDLOVE for a chance to win 10M sats: let you access the fine art market at more affordable price points (use discount code BREEDLOVE): https://www.masterworks.comCasa is the most secure way to custody your Bitcoin (use discount code BREEDLOVE): Recurring Bitcoin Buys and Withdrawals:

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