Halloween Special: Werewolves

As a surprise final episode for the Month of Germany please enjoy a brief look into the werewolf folklore of Germany.  Make sure to lock up your sheep, get some silver, and memorize your neighbor's names as you never know which one will be a wolf.

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Germany has been a major player in the last 100 years for the world and is well known for its role in World War 2 and creating the world we know today. But how much do you know about the Germany before? Or about the Germany after? Did you know that the German tribes conquered most of Roman Europe and Africa? What about Prussia, the nation to unite Germany, was formerly abolished in 1947? This podcast will cover aspects of culture, politics, military, gender, and day to day life from when we first have findings for the archeological records all the way to modern day.FIRST PODCAST WILL BE OCTOBER 2ND!