AudioBlog: A Woman Transported by a UFO in Argentina?

Just weeks ago, there was an intriguing incident reported in Argentina involving a woman who went missing and was then found a day later, 65 km from where she was seen last. She had no memory of how she got there, and local residents and Argentinian officials were mystified. The case aroused the interest of a local UFO researcher who noted a similarity to an earlier alien abduction case in the area.The story first appeared on November 17, in the Pampas newspaper La Arena. An article headlined, “Buscan a mujer que desapareció en Jacinto Aráuz” (Looking for a woman that disappeared in Jacinto Aráuz) reports that police and volunteer firefighters were involved in an extensive search the night before for a woman in her 50s who had been reported missing by her husband. A relative of the woman told La Arena that several calls were made from the missing woman’s mobile phone to her relatives and children, but only the sound of wind was heard when they answered. Read more →Become a supporter of this podcast:

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