AudioBlog: Part 2, Did Einstein Inspect a Crashed UFO and Aliens at Roswell?

by Charles Lear, author of “The Flying Saucer Investigators.”In last week’s blog, we looked at the cottage industry that grew up around the Roswell incident. We noted that people continue to cash in on it by coming up with “new evidence” that is promised to be “the smoking gun” that ultimately fails to live up to that promise. In a pattern that has continued for decades, once one piece of “evidence” is knocked down, another one pops up in its place. This happened fairly recently in the case of the “Roswell Slides,” which were said to be pictures of an alien recovered from Roswell, but turned out to be pictures of a mummified two-year-old boy. One of the people involved, Anthony Bragalia, made his apologies and then got right back out there with more “new evidence.”Read more Become a supporter of this podcast:

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