Ep 251: Perfect Songs IV

In episode 251 of the podcast, we are back with another installment of PERFECT SONGS. This time, rock radio DJ Rob and musician/audio engineer Kevin Kennie join the fun. We each come to the table with songs that we think are perfect. What makes a perfect song? You know it when you hear it. Many different twists and turns in this one, including but not limited to: Bottles & cans, falsetto singing, songs from the 70’s, 80’s 90’s and 2000’s, and much more. Listen to the playlist on Spotify here:https://tinyurl.com/Podioslave-Perfect-PlaylistFollow the Speak All Evil podcast here:IG: @speakallevilpodPodcast theme performed by Trawl. Follow them here:IG/X/TikTok: @trawlbandWe’d love for everyone to hear this episode! Support the Podioslave family by rating, subscribing, sharing, storying, tweeting, etc — you get the vibe. Peace, love, and Podioslave. Check us out here:Web: https://www.podioslave.comIG/Threads/X/TikTok: @PodioslaveYoutube: Podioslave PodcastEmail: Podioslavepodcast@gmail.com

Om Podcasten

Podioslave Podcast is a podcast for music nerds. Episodes range from commentary on the current music climate (touring, music business, etc), deep dives on specifics bands and albums, and interviews with folks from all walks of the music industry. We nerd out on seeing live music, collecting music, and studying the music industry. No genre is off limits; however, you'll likely hear us discussing rock, hip hop, metal, etc. #nerdery