Ep 253: A Conversation with Grant Whiteoak of Heart to Gold

In episode 253 of the podcast, we are joined by Grant Whiteoak, vocalist and guitarist of Heart to Gold. We dig into Grant’s start in the scene, the band’s come up, signing to Memory Music, working with Will Yip, and the creation of their stellar new album ‘Free Help’. Grant is a real one!Photo Credit: Joma Mandocdoc (IG: @jrm.ptrp)Follow Grant and Heart to Gold here:Web: https://www.hearttogold.com/IG: @hearttogoldX: @heart2goldGrant IG: @imhypedonitPodcast theme performed by Trawl. Follow them here:Web: https://www.trawlband.com/IG/X/TikTok: @trawlbandWe’d love for everyone to hear this episode! Support the Podioslave family by rating, subscribing, sharing, storying, tweeting, etc — you get the vibe. Peace, love, and Podioslave. Check us out here:Web: https://www.podioslave.comIG/Threads/X/TikTok: @PodioslaveYoutube: Podioslave PodcastEmail: Podioslavepodcast@gmail.com

Om Podcasten

Podioslave Podcast is a podcast for music nerds. Episodes range from commentary on the current music climate (touring, music business, etc), deep dives on specifics bands and albums, and interviews with folks from all walks of the music industry. We nerd out on seeing live music, collecting music, and studying the music industry. No genre is off limits; however, you'll likely hear us discussing rock, hip hop, metal, etc. #nerdery