THE KISS ROOM-2018-#6-May Saturday

KISS ARMY – The party continues with day two of our KISS ROOM celebration! Matt Porter is joined by Tom Staszewski, Bay Ragni, Paul Adler, Larry Barrow, THE KISS ROOM HOUSE BAND™ (Fran Galanti, Jerry Lee Watkins, Jim Zagiel, and Miabella Galanti) PLUS * An eyewitness report from the Indy KISS Expo from Podcast Rock […]

Om Podcasten

462587 There is no PodKISSt without YOU, the KISS Army! You are the reason the PodKISSt exists, and the reason why it will survive. Without your encouragement and ideas, none of our efforts would be possible or worthwhile. And better yet, without YOU the KISS Army … there would be no KISS! So raise your glasses, KISS Army, you deserve a toast!