Episode 203 – 21/01/2021 – True Geordie

In the first episode of 2021, Joe talks openly and honestly about the ongoing issues with his voice and his need for surgery – and his demand that people don't send him messages of sympathy! On a more positive note, he reveals that he's been running well in box breaks (and explains what a "box break” is for James's benefit). The primary focus of this week's podcast is the #BlowoutSeries, as the boys look back at their series of live streams covering the High Rollers and Big Blowouts. They talk to Brian 'True Geordie' Davis, the YouTube star who played and streamed a few tournaments during the series. Having been coached by Charlie Carrel, the former deep sea diver discusses shooting a short poker film ('The Showdown') and reveals his plan to create more Hold'em content in the coming months. Finally, #PokerInTheEars listener Michael Peters picks 90s Grunge as his specialist subject in 'Superfan vs Stapes'. Please don't forget to comment, like and subscribe.

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Every week, the hosts of PokerStars TV (James Hartigan and Joe Stapleton) bring you a behind-the-scenes look at what it's like being two regular folks on the international poker circuit. Told from the perspective of a cranky British dad (Hartigan) and an undateable American bachelor (Stapes), Poker in the Ears is a mostly uncensored take on the world of professional poker. The hosts also regularly call in favours, in the form of guest spots from their big-shot celebrity poker-playing friends. And they routinely hold on-air competitions, providing chances for listeners to join them on tour.