Movie Theater Epiphanies (RE-RELEASE)

This week's episode is a re-airing of a Poog classic, as the hags weave a path through: The danger of the third rail. Coffee. The leap from skim milk to whole milk. Calcium. Kate explains a recent allergic reaction. Osteoporosis. The addiction to epiphanies is wrestled with. Jacqueline urges Kate to watch Joy Luck Club. The romance and intensity of the movie theater experience is explored. The hags expand on the experience of separating from the group and going to the bathroom alone. They beg for resort access. See for privacy information.

Om Podcasten

Wellness is a trillion-dollar industry full of scams and snake oil salesmen but comedians and best friends Kate Berlant and Jacqueline Novak just can’t get enough. Join them as they try products and practices, consult healers and experts, and ask the ultimate question: is it truly wellness they’re after or just the thrill of the chase?