Episode #10: Porn Induced ADHD

In this episode, Dr. Leigh is joined by her Executive Assistant, Jamie Watson. They are discussing Porn Induced ADHD vs. Organic ADHD and How Watching Porn Decreases Focus. Changes that will be taking place in the near future with regards to consults. Listen now! Support the show Hi. I am Dr. Trish Leigh, a Cognitive Neuroscientist, and Sex Addiction Recovery Coach. I am on a mission to help people heal their brains from porn use. My podcasts are designed to help you learn that: 🎯Porn D...

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Porn has been shown to create underactivity in the frontal lobe and reward centers in the brain. Porn can increase your anxiety, depression, mood problems, strain your relationships, and even give you erectile dysfunction. Dr. Trish Leigh will teach you how porn can ruin your brain and what to do to heal it.