#Episode 115: The dark Truth About How Porn Hijacks Your Life

In this eye-opening video, we delve deep into the dark truth about how porn can negatively hijacks your brain. From addiction to desensitization, the effects of consuming porn can be truly detrimental to one's mental and emotional well-being. Ruining your life including your relationship with your beloved ones. Join Dr. Trish Leigh explores the science behind how porn can rewire your brain and discuss ways to break free from its grip. Support the show Hi. I am Dr. Tr...

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Porn has been shown to create underactivity in the frontal lobe and reward centers in the brain. Porn can increase your anxiety, depression, mood problems, strain your relationships, and even give you erectile dysfunction. Dr. Trish Leigh will teach you how porn can ruin your brain and what to do to heal it.