#Episode 144: Don't Let ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION Hold You Back Anymore! — Dr. Trish Leigh

If you struggle with erectile dysfunction, you are stuck in a hypersexual state due to explicit matter! The more pornography you consume, the more your arousal state becomes distorted. Since porn pumps your brain full of dopamine, when you get in front of a real partner with much lower and normal levels of dopamine, you won't be able to perform. Porn is unnatural and can affect you in unnatural ways. Unfortunately, more young men than ever seen before are struggling with sexual arousal dysf...

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Porn has been shown to create underactivity in the frontal lobe and reward centers in the brain. Porn can increase your anxiety, depression, mood problems, strain your relationships, and even give you erectile dysfunction. Dr. Trish Leigh will teach you how porn can ruin your brain and what to do to heal it.