#Episode 152: Why ED Pills Don't Work If Your Brain Not On Board w/ Dr. Trish Leigh

Have you been relying on ED pills to recover from Erectile Dysfunction? Did you know they often don’t work if your brain isn’t on board? 🤯 In this video, Dr. Trish Leigh explains the scientific reasons behind this and shares brain hack strategies to help you overcome Erectile Dysfunction. 💪🏼 The best time to start is now! Take the first step toward lasting recovery—visit www.drtrishleigh.com today. 🙌🏼 Support the show Hi. I am Dr. Trish Leigh, a Cognitive Neuroscientist, and Sex Addiction...

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Porn has been shown to create underactivity in the frontal lobe and reward centers in the brain. Porn can increase your anxiety, depression, mood problems, strain your relationships, and even give you erectile dysfunction. Dr. Trish Leigh will teach you how porn can ruin your brain and what to do to heal it.