Episode #52: Q&A All Things Porn, Sex, Masturbation, and Relationships

Dr. Trish Leigh joins Pratham from the Labrinth for a podcast episode to answer questions regarding porn, sex, masturbation, and relationships. In this video, you will learn: - Why Dr. Trish Leigh became interested in neuroscience - The difference between men and women's brain - Easy ways to optimize the brain - Why so many men are addicted - How porn has nothing to do with sex - How porn can decrease empathy - Why porn addiction starts so early - Way parents can keep their kids safe -...

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Porn has been shown to create underactivity in the frontal lobe and reward centers in the brain. Porn can increase your anxiety, depression, mood problems, strain your relationships, and even give you erectile dysfunction. Dr. Trish Leigh will teach you how porn can ruin your brain and what to do to heal it.