The Power of Crystal Skulls Explained

Experience The Power of Crystal Skulls to activate and align your potential. Join hosts Alan Steinfeld and Joan of Angels with our a lively discussion on the powerful activation energies of the crystal skulls. Jodi is one of New York’s leading life changing metaphysical educators working as a channel, vibrational healer, and professional artist. She is also the owner of powerful Green Jadeite Crystal Skull also known as Greenie, which works on issues of love, self-worth, relationships, purpose, truth, desire and passion. It also works on prosperity and abundance. Join Jodi and other major crystal skull keepers at the Crystal Skulls Conference, November 17-19th in Sedona Arizona and experience the powerful activations that occur when the crystal skulls come together. 💐 Subscribe to receive access to 100's of hours of conscious presentations: ❤️ Follow PTA on Instagram: 📅 Upcoming PTA Events: ❤️Portal to Ascension Podcast: ✔️ Join Portal To Ascension Telegram Chat Room: ______________ ❤️Alan Steinfeld, author of the book CONTACT is the host of NEW REALITIES TV: _____________________ ❤️Joan of Angels, Oracle of Ancient Wisdom, Spiritual Advisor and Visionary Artist, invites you to download your FREE ebook on Finding Your Soul Purpose now. #crystal_skulls

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Explore and Expand your consciousness at Portal to Ascension. Bringing forth revolutionary and empowering conscious individuals that have dedicated their lives to the paradigm shift that is now occurring on the planet.