S6 Ep 11 My Grab Bag of Life

I have always had this idea that I’d go into my grab bag of advice– actually two grab bags I have - and this episode is called My Grab Bag of Life. I recorded it in case you hear something that helps. Word of caution – it will be random. Some life things some flutey things and you'll hear about Sarah. I chose some Christmas Nativity music – this time my arrangement all played by me – of Morten Lauridsen’s O Magnum Mysterium

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Amy Porter has been praised by critics for her exceptional musical talent and passion for scholarship. With a versatile and distinguished career, she hosts special guests, tells stories and inspiring tips learned in her life as a classical musician and entrepreneur. Owner of small businesses, founder of 2 non-profits, designer of her own lifestyle brand, Amy Porter leads people in multiple ways. Teaching as a Professor, mentoring as a Coach and her Anatomy of Sound workshop has led her to create innovative thought in others. Porter Productions brings you Amy Porter in PorterFlute Pod.