05 - Is the internet good or evil?

Welcome back! In this episode, I list some arguments people use to defend their points of view about the internet and compare some advantages and disadvantages that people usually bring up. Enjoy this online podcast and have fun!Transcripts: www.teachyourselfportuguese.comDiscord Community: https://discord.gg/fYFvZZpTjv 🌎 Música: Marcus Manzoni - Um Cara Simples

Om Podcasten

If you're learning Brazilian Portuguese and you want to immerse yourself in authentic native speech, this podcast provides comprehensible input for you! Slowing down a language is not all it takes to make it comprehensible, right? Luan Machado has been teaching for 10 years and here he explores different topics in Portuguese so you get the chance to listen to the language and at the same time you get to know more about Brazil. If you like my podcast you can buy me a coffee ☕ https://ko-fi.com/teachyourselfportuguese 🌎 https://discord.gg/fYFvZZpTjv https://www.teachyourselfportuguese.com