Coach P.J. Fleck | Lessons to Improve Your Team and Culture

We have a special episode for you today with Coach P.J.Fleck. It’s audio from our recent Masterclass Coaching session with Jon and P.J. where P.J. shares some of his key leadership lessons and advice for life. It is a stellar conversation with a ton of practical takeaways. Make sure you grab a copy of Jon and P.J.'s new book ROW THE BOAT. It's a A Never-Give-Up Approach to Lead with Enthusiasm and Optimism and Improve Your Team and Culture. It's available anywhere books are sold. If you jump over to you can also access several bonus resources including a video copy of this masterclass that you can share with your team. Speaking of teams, we have a free resource to help you accomplish more and juggle less. It's a free ebook from our friends at BELAY Solutions and it's filled with practical tips to help you stop doing everything yourself so that you can grow your organization and team. Go download it now at 

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Positive Mindset and Leadership Strategies to Help You Overcome Challenges and Make a Greater Difference! Hosted by bestselling author, Jon Gordon.