How to Truly ‘See the Dog’ (Suzanne Clothier)

Victoria geeks out chatting to one of the most formative influences on her life and career as a dog trainer: Suzanne Clothier. Suzanne shares her fascinating background as a groundbreaking thinker in the world of animal training and behavior, especially surrounding the concept of what she coined Relationship-Centered Training and the unique journey her approach has undergone over the past several decades. Victoria digs into the importance of Suzanne’s Dog Behavior Conference presentation, ‘See the Dog: Temperament, Training, Choices & Relationships.’Get dog training solutions at Victoria’s official Positively website.Become a dog trainer with the Victoria Stilwell Academy.

Om Podcasten

World-renowned dog trainer Victoria Stilwell (It’s Me or the Dog) talks pet topics, answers fan questions, and gives dog training and behavior advice.