The Nose Knows No Bounds (with Alexandra Horowitz)

Acclaimed author, speaker, researcher and professor Dr. Alexandra Horowitz of Barnard College, Columbia University’s Dog Cognition Lab joins Victoria to dig deep into the fascinating world of the anatomy, physiology and behavior-related wonder of the canine nose. What makes dogs’ noses so powerful and different from ours? Can they smell fear? Why do they use one nostril at a time? How do pheromones and sniffing play into dog/dog and dog/human greetings? Can dogs tell time through smell? Dr. Horowitz shares insights from her amazing work with the canine nose and beyond.Get dog training solutions at Victoria’s official Positively website.Become a dog trainer with the Victoria Stilwell Academy.

Om Podcasten

World-renowned dog trainer Victoria Stilwell (It’s Me or the Dog) talks pet topics, answers fan questions, and gives dog training and behavior advice.