Postmodern Realities Episode 407 Consciousness, AI, and the Imago Dei

This Postmodern Realities episode is a conversation with JOURNAL author Keith Loftin about his online article entitled, “Consciousness, AI, and the Imago Dei”. Articles and Podcasts:Episode 006: Digital Souls: What Should Christians Believe about Artificial Intelligence?Digital Souls: What Should Christians Believe about Artificial Intelligence?Episode 87: Westworld & A.I.HBO’s Westworld and the Ethics of Artificial IntelligenceEpisode 113 Is Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) Taking Over?Who’s Afraid of HAL? Why Computers Will Not Become Conscious and Take over the WorldOther similar recent articles and podcasts by this authorSwimming Upstream: Why the Natural Law Resists TotalitarianismBut Who Made God? 

Om Podcasten

Hosted by Melanie Cogdill the Managing Editor at the Christian Research Institute, Postmodern Realities is a podcast from the Christian Research Institute and the CHRISTIAN RESEARCH JOURNAL. Each podcast features in-depth conversations with our JOURNAL authors.