180: Optional Extras 5 - The Christmas figures

CHRISTMAS is a time of giving, and over the years, Character Options have given us a host of figures based on the Doctor Who festive specials. We've had Doctors, Sycorax, Kylie, Daleks, Bannakaffalatta, Rassilon and even a Dalek! We also talk about some of the figures that never were - and should have been! Kenny and Dave discuss figures, before Character Options's Al Dewar pops in for a special chat ahead of the festivities! Donna Noble wedding dress picture (c) Doctor.revwhos on Instagram.

Om Podcasten

A podcast discussing Doctor Who-related items, more often than not in threes, whether stories, guests, or anything else. Featuring Big Finish's Kenny Smith, and in the early episodes, regular appearances from Tom Harris (the former Labour MP) and David Steel (not the former Liberal Party MP, MSP and leader). Dave still appears, as do Dr John Bollan and Stephen Day, with Tom fleetingly materialising. We also have a host of great Doctor Who guests using "Kenny's bottomless address book" (c) David Steel.