191: Goodbye, Ruby Sunday?

Doctor Who's been making the front pages of the press this past week. On Saturday, 20 January, the Daily Mirror reported that Millie Gibson had been "dropped" as the Doctor's latest companion, Ruby Sunday. Given that the Power of 3 has two co-conspirators with around 70 years of experience of working in and with the media, Tom and Kenny discuss the ins and outs of how the media works with stories like this - and how likely it is to be true.

Om Podcasten

A podcast discussing Doctor Who-related items, more often than not in threes, whether stories, guests, or anything else. Featuring Big Finish's Kenny Smith, and in the early episodes, regular appearances from Tom Harris (the former Labour MP) and David Steel (not the former Liberal Party MP, MSP and leader). Dave still appears, as do Dr John Bollan and Stephen Day, with Tom fleetingly materialising. We also have a host of great Doctor Who guests using "Kenny's bottomless address book" (c) David Steel.