202: The Making of the Season 15 Blu-Ray - Part Three

Not long to go now, until Season 15 starts arriving through our letterboxes, and on shelves in shops. Steevie and Kenny continue their look at the stories in this series, as they discuss Underworld and The Invasion of Time, with the thoughts of Tom and John via the Space-Time Telegraph. This week, our guests are documentary producer Chris Chapman, discussing the Making of Horror of Fang Rock, as well as his Graham Williams documentary, and Toby Hadoke, who features in the making of feature, as well as chatting with Tom Baker on episode commentaries, and goes Behind the Sofa too!

Om Podcasten

A podcast discussing Doctor Who-related items, more often than not in threes, whether stories, guests, or anything else. Featuring Big Finish's Kenny Smith, and in the early episodes, regular appearances from Tom Harris (the former Labour MP) and David Steel (not the former Liberal Party MP, MSP and leader). Dave still appears, as do Dr John Bollan and Stephen Day, with Tom fleetingly materialising. We also have a host of great Doctor Who guests using "Kenny's bottomless address book" (c) David Steel.