How writing became my therapy with NYT best selling author Jen Mann

Jen Mann is best known for her wildly popular blog, People I Want to Punch in the Throat. She is the author of the New York Times bestseller People I Want to Punch in the Throat. She is also the editor of the New York Times bestselling I Just Want to Pee Alone series. She lives in Kansas with her husband and two children and I discovered her in @barnesandnoble bookstore in Palm Springs.  Listen to the magic 🪄 she is simply brilliant!  Much love, Tory See for privacy information.

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Powerful Stories with Tory Archbold. One of Australia’s top female entrepreneurs and CEOs, Tory Archbold knows that just as our stories have the power to shape us, so we have the power to shape our stories. Having attained global recognition through her businesses Torstar and Powerful Steps, now Tory is stepping back to connect with the powerful stories of extraordinary women—their highs and lows, near misses and great wins. From entrepreneurs to CEOs to influencers and beyond, women open up to Tory about the powerful steps they’ve taken, and the sacrifices they’ve made, to achieve their business goals. These compelling stories aren’t just great listening. They invite listeners to step up and take hold of their own power. Find out more at