How your personal brand can build powerful connections with PR Powerhouse Tory Archbold

During my years at the helm of TORSTAR we partnered with the top ten retail brands in the world and delivered extraordinary results. I’ve helped shape and build some of the most recognised celebrity brands around the globe and in 2019 turned my focus to my own personal brand when I launched Powerful Steps. One thing I’ve learned is the power of having a stand out personal brand and a question I get asked a lot is how to get the storytelling and positioning right in order to connect with other likeminded people.  It’s about understanding the power of who you are and anchoring your unique personal brand with your story.  Are you in alignment with your truth? If you understand who you are, what your intent and purpose is, and anchor your storytelling to your values, you will attract what you deserve.  People will not authentically connect with you unless they feel they are in alignment with the values, intent and purpose of your business. In this episode, I talk about how I built my personal brand by being raw and honest, allowing people to resonate with my story and understand exactly how I could help them.  I talk about how to increase your network by investing your time in 3 coffee dates a week with people in your tribe, who you want to partner with (and outside of your comfort zone - YES, I do this too!) I also run you through exactly how to plan these in-person and virtual coffee dates to ensure you’re reaching your ideal audience and making the most of your valuable time.   LINKS: Where to Find Tory: Website:  Instagram: @powerfulsteps LinkedIn: Powerful Steps Coffee Challenge:  Join The Confidence to Pitch Workshop - December 2nd: Youtube Channel:  Powerful Steps - YouTube See for privacy information.

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Powerful Stories with Tory Archbold. One of Australia’s top female entrepreneurs and CEOs, Tory Archbold knows that just as our stories have the power to shape us, so we have the power to shape our stories. Having attained global recognition through her businesses Torstar and Powerful Steps, now Tory is stepping back to connect with the powerful stories of extraordinary women—their highs and lows, near misses and great wins. From entrepreneurs to CEOs to influencers and beyond, women open up to Tory about the powerful steps they’ve taken, and the sacrifices they’ve made, to achieve their business goals. These compelling stories aren’t just great listening. They invite listeners to step up and take hold of their own power. Find out more at