Mastering your Mean Girl with Melissa Ambrosini

This is one thing you need to know right now about Melissa Ambrosini: her podcast has had over 14 million downloads. What! That puts her in Oprah territory (and the US media giant is her dream guest, of course) and says everything about how beautifully she connects with women everywhere. Melissa’s message is simple and directed straight at people like me, who at times hear that inner critic saying you’re not good enough. That you’ll never find the dream man. That you’ll never be out of debt, never fall pregnant, never feel beautiful. That you’re never enough. Totally wrong, says the Australian entrepreneur and coach. I love what she stands for and teaches to clients all over the world. So I invited her to be my guest on the latest Powerful Stories podcast. If you’re someone who has as at times been devastated by that tiny sledging voice inside your head, you’ll get so much value out of what Melissa—author of the bestselling Mastering Your Mean Girl—tells me. We talk Melissa’s amazing four-step CAST process to crush your inner mean girl and master self-love, decluttering your life, what she does in the car with her husband (I admit I do it too), how to stop being a people pleaser and her verdict on “one of the most powerful phrases” you can say. “I want to encourage everyone to practise saying ‘no thank you’ and getting really good at it,” says Melissa. “When you say ‘no thank you’ to someone else, you are saying, ‘Yes’ to yourself.   Where to Find Melissa:  Website: Instagram: @melissaambrosini Listen to The Melissa Ambrosini Show   Where to Find Tory: Website:  Instagram: @powerfulsteps Powerful Steps Coffee Challenge:  Join The Confidence to Pitch Workshop - Nov 15th: Youtube Channel:  Powerful Steps - YouTube  See for privacy information.

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Powerful Stories with Tory Archbold. One of Australia’s top female entrepreneurs and CEOs, Tory Archbold knows that just as our stories have the power to shape us, so we have the power to shape our stories. Having attained global recognition through her businesses Torstar and Powerful Steps, now Tory is stepping back to connect with the powerful stories of extraordinary women—their highs and lows, near misses and great wins. From entrepreneurs to CEOs to influencers and beyond, women open up to Tory about the powerful steps they’ve taken, and the sacrifices they’ve made, to achieve their business goals. These compelling stories aren’t just great listening. They invite listeners to step up and take hold of their own power. Find out more at