Set yourself free to simply “Be” with US Entrepreneur and brand expert Jessica Zweig

Marianne Williamson calls Jessica Zwieg ‘a voice of her time’ and she is right. Jessica has stepped up and into her power to build a communications agency from scratch, write the bestselling book “Be” while recognizing the need to alchemize her identity by not being afraid to dig deep and get uncomfortable. She is on a mission to empower others to understand how lucky we are to be in this human body and to appreciate the power of what we were gifted at birth so that when you do the inner work and unlock that gift you can become a leader for more women to do the same.  She launched her personal branding company, SimplyBe in 2014 and works with her team of rock stars to help their clients—which include the gamut of powerhouse individuals and execs to big corporations—identify their unique intrinsic value. Her mission? When you set yourself free to Simply Be, you set the world free. Strong personal branding, when done right—is an act of service. It’s greater than your ego and bigger than your fears. It’s about your audience, your customers, the world. They are waiting for you to show up. And in this Powerful Stories episode Jessica shares how we can all learn to show up and just ‘Be’.  Want to learn more? You can also join Tory’s next Powerful Steps  Business Attraction Program where she empowers women to understand the true power of their story to step up and shine as a leader in the entrepreneurial and business space.See for privacy information.

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Powerful Stories with Tory Archbold. One of Australia’s top female entrepreneurs and CEOs, Tory Archbold knows that just as our stories have the power to shape us, so we have the power to shape our stories. Having attained global recognition through her businesses Torstar and Powerful Steps, now Tory is stepping back to connect with the powerful stories of extraordinary women—their highs and lows, near misses and great wins. From entrepreneurs to CEOs to influencers and beyond, women open up to Tory about the powerful steps they’ve taken, and the sacrifices they’ve made, to achieve their business goals. These compelling stories aren’t just great listening. They invite listeners to step up and take hold of their own power. Find out more at