Tapping into the power of your story with Columnist Samantha Selinger Morris

Samantha Sellnger Morris is a columnist at the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age  - millions of people read what she writes every single week. We met when I ran my agency TORSTAR and built relationships with media who told stories anchored to their truth. I know the impact and value of a good story and a good journalist - Samantha is one of them. Everyone that listens to the Powerful Stories podcast is always sending messages asking "how do I share my story? How do I tell my story? How do I become more visible?  What makes a truly powerful story?” So today we discuss what powerful steps you need to take to tell your story to create and deliver impact on your own terms. Topline topics discussed: What makes a truly powerful story? How do you tell that story to take others on a journey where they keep coming back for more? Many people believe they don’t have a story to tell.  I challenge that as believe that everyone has some form of game changing moment in their life that got them to where they are today they are just afraid of being judged if they share it.  What was yours? And is it easier telling the story of people you don’t know versus sharing your own?  Where should people start if they want to share their life story and add value to the lives of others? Should we rely on click bait to engage people? What story Samantha wrote that truly created impact for the reader and transformed someones life one the better? Connect with Samantha Selinger Morris on LinkedIn here and join Tory’s Powerful Steps  Business Attraction Program  where she empowers women to understand the true power of their story to step up and shine as a leader in the entrepreneurial and business space.See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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Powerful Stories with Tory Archbold. One of Australia’s top female entrepreneurs and CEOs, Tory Archbold knows that just as our stories have the power to shape us, so we have the power to shape our stories. Having attained global recognition through her businesses Torstar and Powerful Steps, now Tory is stepping back to connect with the powerful stories of extraordinary women—their highs and lows, near misses and great wins. From entrepreneurs to CEOs to influencers and beyond, women open up to Tory about the powerful steps they’ve taken, and the sacrifices they’ve made, to achieve their business goals. These compelling stories aren’t just great listening. They invite listeners to step up and take hold of their own power. Find out more at www.powerful-steps.com