Lion's Gate Activation & Meditation

Welcome to the Powerhouse Feng Shui Podcast! I'm your host, Patricia Lohan, and today is a special episode because it's the 8th of the 8th—my birthday! While I'm not recording this on my actual birthday, I'm embracing the energy of Mercury retrograde and taking a step back from the business to reevaluate, meditate, and find more balance and joy in my life.   The 8th of the 8th is one of the most auspicious combinations of numbers in feng shui, and it's no coincidence that I was born on this day, considering my journey with Feng Shui. Today, I want to share the powerful energy of the Lion's Gate with you. The Lion's Gate is a portal that has gained prominence in recent years, known for its potent activation of internal power.   As a gift from me to you on my birthday, I'm sharing a Lion's Gate activation and meditation. This meditation will help you harness some Leo energy and empower yourself. Find a peaceful spot in nature, relax, and allow yourself to tap into this beautiful energy. Whether you sit up or lie down, the important thing is to take this time for yourself.   I hope you enjoy this meditation and feel the incredible energy of the Lion's Gate. If you're looking for more support during Mercury retrograde, check out my training sessions at These sessions cover various areas of your life from a Feng Shui perspective, including health, career, finances, relationships, and more.   Have an amazing day, enjoy the activation, and embrace the abundance and prosperity that the 8th of the 8th represents. Sending you all the good energies and love on this special day! Don't forget to visit for more resources and sessions. Happy 8th of the 8th! Key Takeaways:    Take the time to reevaluate, reassess, meditate, clear, and seek balance and harmony in life, using Mercury Retrograde as an opportunity for personal growth. Engage in a heart-opening meditation to tap into the love, generosity, leadership, and creativity associated with Leo energy. Focusing on appreciation and gratitude can generate more positivity and love in life. Resources: Feng Shui Mini Course or Feng Shui 101 - Feng Shui Checklist - Connect with Patricia Lohan: Instagram - YouTube - Website - Send us an email:

Om Podcasten

PowerHouse Feng Shui Podcast is for women who want more ease, flow, joy, abundance, goodness in their lives whilst stepping into their power. You're tired of feeling stuck, you're doing all the right things to change your life, but nothing is working as fast as you want it to. You want to live life full out, be fulfilled and happy. This is the missing piece of the jigsaw, tapping into universal source energy and the magic that transforming your home can create. You're excited and ready to learn what it takes to create more growth and expansion, without working any harder. Hosted by Patricia Lohan, author of The Happy Home, Your Guide to creating a Happy, Healthy, Wealthy Life, you'll learn the ways you can easily become a manifesting magnet in your life and business. This is far more than decluttering or moving furniture. This is about accessing an un-utilised resource and turning your house into a magnet for more flow ease and magic. This is the show for you to spiritually and emotionally uplevel, because you're ready to power yourself and your home with Feng Shui.