Episode 154: Rahshaana Green

On the teachings and vitality in discomfort, and the smallest moments of recognition and awareness that can quietly change us all. A conversation surrounding the individual and group work of developing compassionate and diversely represented spaces. 0:41 – Introducing Rahshaana Green; https://www.rahshaanagreen.com/ 3:20 – Inviting people to occupy and be in discomfort with me. Avoiding discomfort becomes a barrier in creating and maintaining community. 7:10 – Working with organizations on confronting and being with various aspects of tension and discomfort on behalf of diversity, equity and inclusion. 10:15 – The brain is naturally wired for bias and habit patterns. Even well intentioned, it may not be optimized for inclusion or equity. 12:45 – Facilitating belonging through the work we do. Less ‘othering’, more connection. 16:55 – Build a bridge; incrementally change the world. 18:15 – Yoga/Mindfulness/Compassion – based organizations risk bypassing this work because simply knowing concepts is not the same as daily application. 20:15 – Small things speak to the foundational shifts of introspection. Belonging in a space means the ability to show up in an authentic way. 24:55 – Go put yourself into a position that isn’t comfortable. Listen and learn. Find opportunities to learn about ourselves in community. 27:30 – This is not just beneficial for people of color, or marginalized groups. We all learn and grow with diverse representation. 29:40 – The core of cultivating belonging – As our hearts grow, others feel seen, understood and heard. 32:30 – Create opportunities for you to get deeply uncomfortable with the status quo in order to change it. Create safe spaces around curiosity.  

Om Podcasten

Content and conversations for times of transition and change. Join me in discussion with renowned luminaries and dear friends to explore life's myriad transitions, our understandings and our responses. What does it mean to be present, to shift our perceptions, to engage with the world meaningfully, with dignity and care? With respect for the ancient practices and the modern wisdom that continue to inform and elevate our exchanges, each episode is an invitation to Practice You.