Episode 155: Sue Hunt (Part 1)

Part I of a two-part conversation: on breaking binaries, freeing ourselves from reductive thinking and uncovering our own true nature. On ‘Transitory Nature’ and exploring universal attributes of human consciousness. A conversation around pranic economy, and the expenditures of upholding binary worldviews. 0:42 – Introducing Sue Hunt; Transitory Nature: Breaking Binaries for Integrated Being 3:30 – 9 Binaries – Rooted in Reality – > 1) Private/Public; 2) Sick/Well; 3) Masculine/Feminine. Living Heart Action – > 4) Lack/Abundance; 5) Hustle/Flow; 6) Root/Crown. Higher Octaves of Consciousness – > 7) Attachment/Aversion; 8) Self-Will/Destiny; 9) Past/Future. 6:00 – Solving the divide between Private and Public. Using energy to prop up conflicting identities. 9:00 – Social engagement for younger generations; Roshi Joan Halifax; The Fruitful Darkness 11:00 – Using witness ability to watch ourselves from the ceiling of all kinds of scenarios. Noticing these expenditures. 14:00 – What voices in your head do you keep private? How do those voices encourage codependent behavior in the private realm? What private behaviors help me maintain equilibrium? 17:00 – Defining Codependency – Losing the sovereignty in our central nervous system, seeking validation in private or public spaces. 20:30 – Stop all gossip – an attempt to protect our own egoic projections. Stop pinning judgment, dislike, hatred or blame onto others. Stay very curious. 22:30 – Redefining the collective as a blank screen. In finding agreement in a certain sentiment, we are seeking recognition in the reflection. Seeking sameness. 26:00 – Take everything personally and take nothing personally. 28:10 – Sick vs. Well – Pretending we are sick to get attention. Understanding commercial wellness. 30:05 – ‘Healing as Wholeness’ myth – YOU ARE NEVER BROKEN. Subconsciously rooted in the sick/well binary of Broken and Fixed. 34:00 – Modern rites of passage – Mark transitions with a goodbye, then with a hello. 36:40 – Develop universal attributes of human consciousness. Continuously doing the inner work to excavate where manipulative femininity and toxic masculinity live within our own lives. 1) Creativity; 2) Discernment; 3) Intimacy; 4) Passion/Compassion; 5) Empathy; 6) Determination; 7) Sensitivity; 8) Intuition; 9) Equanimity; 10) Openness. 41:25 – Lack/Abundance – Pranic Economy 43:25 – Identifying anxious, lack-based abundant meta-dialog. Learning to grow our tolerance for ambiguity. Cultivating awareness and dismantling the binary between states of depletion and numbed out consumerism. 45:20 – What is the dominant feeling attached to an urge to spend or acquire? What inner truth am I avoiding by ‘spending’ energy in this way? What are the qualities of the source from which I am about to consume? Is this a sustainable energetic exchange? 48:20 – Consumerism as abundance; Why does the newness of an item make me feel better about myself? 51:05 – Who said alignment isn’t scrappy? You have to get your hands dirty, you have to do the hard work, you have to fight for what you know is true. 53:50 – Ask yourself, is my vision of alignment and personal success respectful to the growth and success of others? Am i putting the work in day in and day out when no one is watching? 54:55 – On the deepest energetic level, do I steal from others or hoard resources? Consider coworkers, mentors, bosses, family, etc. Schedule unscheduled time for yourself. 56:40 – Genuine abundance – a more fluid understanding of equality and symbiotic exchange. 58:10 – Cultivating reaction-less neutrality. Curiosity for how we’ve reacted in the past.  

Om Podcasten

Content and conversations for times of transition and change. Join me in discussion with renowned luminaries and dear friends to explore life's myriad transitions, our understandings and our responses. What does it mean to be present, to shift our perceptions, to engage with the world meaningfully, with dignity and care? With respect for the ancient practices and the modern wisdom that continue to inform and elevate our exchanges, each episode is an invitation to Practice You.