Monday Morning Medics Discuss a Neonate Code w/ Mike Carunchio

Welcome to the third episode of Monday Morning Medic! In this series of episodes, Jason, Aaron, and Chris Rosa sit down and talk about real life calls and patients that we or our special guests have had. We discuss treatments and outcomes to help learn from real-world cases. In this episode, Aaron, Jason and Chris sit down with Mike from the World’s Okayest Medic podcast and talk about a neonate code he ran a few years back. It is a great call that we sit down and dissect with tons of lessons learned and fun to be had by all. This episode is about one of the craziest type of calls we can run and Mike knocked it out of the park. So strap in and listen to this great episode and start getting prepared for your next neonate call with the experience learned from Mike!  If you have a patient that you would like to discuss, let us know! We would love to talk about patients and improving patient care with our listeners. Let us know what you think and if there are any topics that you'd like to discuss. Check out Mike Carunchio, also known as the World's Okayest Medic on Instagram or on any podcatcher. Search for the World's Okayest Medic Podcast and it will be well worth your time and listening pleasure! Follow the PragMedics on Instagram and Twitter. You can find Chris on Instagram.

Om Podcasten

Welcome to PragMed. A podcast hosted by medics for medics. We talk about everything from best practice prehospital medicine to coffee. We are not the average clinical health podcast that pretends to know it all, we find the experts and ask them what they feel is best for prehospital medicine. We hope that you not only enjoy but contribute to the discussion and grow with us together. No topic is off the table, and we only ask that you be respectful of another. Otherwise, grab a cup of coffee and let us get to chatting. Thank you.