Boosting Your Immune System During Pregnancy

The immune system is complex, and there is a lot of research on how different nutrients impact it. Before you buy any supplements, please make sure you are already prioritizing covering the basics, including eating healthy, sleep, hydration, and exercise. No amount of immune-boosting supplements or superfoods will make up for the basics you need to keep your immune system running effectively. If you have these basics in place, you may want to consider additional supplements to boost your immune system.   This episode is an overview of the risks, benefits, safety, and evidence available on the ability of many vitamins, herbs, and supplements to boost your immune system during pregnancy. I could easily do an entire episode on each of the immune-boosting supplements covered here, including folate and folic acid, vitamins A, C, D, E, zinc, selenium, antioxidants, glutathione, PQQ, herbal immune support, echinacea, elderberry, probiotics, mushrooms, and choline. As always, please talk to your doctor or midwife about any supplements you consider. That includes any herbs or over-the-counter vitamins or supplements.   Thank you to our sponsors’s AI Smart Scan is absolutely free, super easy to use, and provides essential information about oral health during pregnancy. Did you know your oral health also plays a vital role in your baby’s well-being? Maintaining good oral health can prevent you from passing the harmful bacteria that cause cavities to your newborn. That’s right, it could mean the difference between your child having a lifetime of battling decay vs. no decay at all. Your baby deserves the best, and so do you. Visit and try the Smart Scan today. It’s a little effort with a whole lot of reward.   Skylight allows you to instantly get all of the amazing baby pictures off your phone and display them in a beautiful frame in your home. A Skylight Frame is the best thing to give yourself or a family member to bring constant joy. Skylight has over a million happy customers and thousands of 5-star reviews. They are confident you will love this frame and offer free 120-day returns. As a special, limited-time offer for our listeners, get $15 off your purchase of a Skylight Frame when you go to   The VTech V-Hush Pro Baby Sleep Soother has every feature you could possibly want to transform any room into a sleep sanctuary. Create ideal sleep patterns and environments for your baby, so your whole family gets better and longer sleep. The V-Hush Pro has built-in sleep programs and sleep tips from WeeSleep experts, over 200 pre-programmed stories, classical music, lullabies, and natural sounds. You can even record and upload your own voice, songs, or stories using the subscription-free app. The VTech V-Hush Pro Baby Sleep Soother is available at Walmart and Amazon.   Read the full article and resources that accompany this episode.   Join Pregnancy Podcast Premium to access the entire back catalog, listen to all episodes ad-free, get a copy of the Your Birth Plan Book, and more.   Check out the 40 Weeks podcast to learn how your baby grows each week and what is happening in your body. Plus, get a heads up on what to expect at your prenatal appointments and a tip for dads and partners.   For more evidence-based information, visit the Pregnancy Podcast website. 

Om Podcasten

A resource to support expecting moms (and partners, too!) with evidence-based information to navigate the awesome adventure of pregnancy, birth, and being a new parent. Vanessa Merten provides evidence based info that goes way beyond the typical “pregnancy instruction manual”. Every episode is designed to give you all of the evidence, research, pros, cons, risks, and benefits – all so you decide what the best option is for YOU and feel confident about your decisions during your pregnancy and beyond. The show covers everything from pregnancy to caring for a newborn. Topics include prenatal care, labor, natural birth, hospital birth, cesarean birth, preparing for your baby, breastfeeding, postpartum, and caring for a new baby. This is your​ evidence-based resource to help you make informed decisions about your pregnancy and your baby.