First Trimester Overview

The first 12 weeks of your pregnancy will probably be the most significant adjustment period. You get used to the idea of being pregnant, make some lifestyle changes, and deal with all of the physical and emotional changes. The first trimester is thought of as the most sensitive time during your pregnancy. This is when your baby is building organs and structures. You may not see a whole lot going on outside during the first trimester. You will be able to tell many changes are going on internally. Get an overview of everything you can expect during the first trimester of your pregnancy. This episode covers common symptoms like morning sickness, changes in hormones, your baby's development, and how you can get some relief from some of the not so fun side effects of being pregnant.   You can read the full article and resources that accompany this episode by clicking here.   For more evidence-based information, visit the Pregnancy Podcast website.

Om Podcasten

A resource to support expecting moms (and partners, too!) with evidence-based information to navigate the awesome adventure of pregnancy, birth, and being a new parent. Vanessa Merten provides evidence based info that goes way beyond the typical “pregnancy instruction manual”. Every episode is designed to give you all of the evidence, research, pros, cons, risks, and benefits – all so you decide what the best option is for YOU and feel confident about your decisions during your pregnancy and beyond. The show covers everything from pregnancy to caring for a newborn. Topics include prenatal care, labor, natural birth, hospital birth, cesarean birth, preparing for your baby, breastfeeding, postpartum, and caring for a new baby. This is your​ evidence-based resource to help you make informed decisions about your pregnancy and your baby.