039: How to Read a Book
This week, Pete and Dom talk to Steve Cunningham from ReadItForMe, and they find out how Steve goes about reading all the books inside ReadItForMe and how how takes notes and turns them into the reviews inside the service. Take Away: Before reading any book, decide what you want to get out of it, and get an overview of the book before you start reading properly Action Step: Visit http://ReadItFor.Me/preneurcast and sign up for your free trial to take advantage of our special listener offer Tech Tip: If you are reading on a Kindle-based product, you can highlight sections and add notes for later reference. You can share these notes and you can subscribe to other people's notes. -= Links =- - Books: This week, as we're all about the ReadItForMe service, there are no links, just a recommendation that you check out these books inside ReadItForMe Breakthrough Rapid Reading Multimedia Learning Mindhacker Moonwalking with Einstein - PreneurCast Episodes: These previous episodes are talked about in today's show. Go back and listen, if you missed them, over at http://preneurmedia.tv PreneurCast Episode 30 - Notetaking for Fun and Profit - Online Resources: http://www.preneurmarketing.com/productivity-hacks/hacking-the-amazon-kindle-for-crowdsourced-reading-speed-reading-stealing-ideas-every-day/ - Pete's Article about sharing notes on the Kindle platform -=- For more information about Pete and Dom, visit us online at http://www.preneurmedia.tv or drop us a line at: preneurcast@preneurgroup.com