056: Low Hanging Fruit
This week, Pete and Dom discuss "Low Hanging Fruit" - things that everyone can try as a way to improve one or more of the Seven Levers of Business. There are lots of different tips and there should be something for everyone to implement and benefit from. Action Steps: Try out one of the ideas Pete and Dom suggest in your business. Remember to measure the results! Sign Up For Our 7 Levers Training: Pete and Dom will be launching their 7 Levers of Business Home Study Course soon. Sign up to be notified when it launches at http://www.7levers.com -= Links =- - Online: http://preneurmedia.tv/oneshare - OneShare: A great idea for a different gift http://ldmagazine.com - Get a copy of Pete and Dom's Digital Magazine on your iPad http://magcastplatform.com - Find out more about the publishing platform behind LD Magazine Managing your inbox: my email rules of engagement - Pete's article on managing the chaos of your inbox - Books: Finding Ultra - Rich Roll - PreneurCast Episodes: These previous episodes are talked about in today's show. If you missed them, you can listen again over at http://preneurmedia.tv PreneurCast Episode 55 - Leakage - Special PreneurCast Listener Offers from our Sponsors: http://audibletrial.com/preneurcast - Audible has a huge library of audio books of all types. Visit our link for a free trial and PreneurCast listener coupon for a free audio book. -=- For more information about Pete and Dom, visit us online at http://www.preneurmedia.tv or drop us a line at: preneurcast@preneurgroup.com If you like what we're doing, please leave us a review on iTunes or a comment on the PreneurMedia Web Site.