089: Valuing Your Time
Continuing the series on Foundations, in this episode Dom talks about valuing your time. This is both about making sure you make the most of your time, and get maximum leverage from it, and also about charging an appropriate amount for your services. -= Links =- - Online http://davidseah.com David Seah's site about productivity - Books Brian Tracy on Amazon - Brian Tracy has written a huge number of books on the subject of time management and productivity - Previous PreneurCast Episodes: All previous episodes are available over at http://preneurmedia.tv along with show notes, links and full transcripts of each episode. Episode 26 - Outsourcing Episode 044 - Outsourcing: Core vs Mechanics Episode 052 - The 7 Levers of Business Redux -=- For more information about Pete and Dom, visit us online at http://www.preneurmedia.tv or drop us a line at: preneurcast@preneurgroup.com If you like what we're doing, please leave us a review on iTunes or a comment on the Preneurmedia.tv Web Site.