120: Demand vs Automation
This week, Pete and Dom discuss the topic of automation. Specifically, they talk about when to start automating processes in your business, and when automation is a bad idea that could potentially damage your business. -= Win Stuff! =- We regularly receive copies of books (and other goodies) from the authors we feature to give away to PreneurCast listeners. To enter our current competition, just visit: http://www.preneurmarketing.com/win Keep checking back for the latest competition and prizes! -= Links =- - Online http://getinternetfamous.com - The Get Internet Famous Podcast - Books Billion Dollar Lessons - Paul B Carroll and Chunka Mui You can try out a lot of the books we recommend in audio format with Audible: http://audibletrial.com/preneurcast - Free trial with a free audio book download for PreneurCast listeners - Previous PreneurCast Episodes: All previous episodes are available over at http://preneurmarketing.com along with show notes, links and full transcripts of each episode. Episode 052 - 7 Levers of Business Redux -=- For more information about Pete and Dom, visit us online at http://preneurmarketing.com or drop us a line at: preneurcast@preneurgroup.com If you like what we’re doing, please leave us a review on iTunes or a comment on the Web Site at http://preneurmarketing.com