124: 2013 Awards
To start the year, Pete and Dom look back at 2013 and give awards to the things that made the most difference in their lives throughout the year. Follow along and see if you agree, or leave a comment if there's something you think they missed. -= Win Stuff! =- In honour of the 2013 Awards, we are giving away 3 copies of SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham (one of Dom’s Awards Choices) To enter this competition, just visit: http://www.preneurmarketing.com/preneurcast and leave a comment on the post for this show. Tell us your vote for any of the categories we listed this year, and feel free to tell us about a something we missed! The 2013 Award Winners were: -= Hardware =- Adonit Jot Touch - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2013adonitjottouch MacBook Air - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2013macbookair -= Software =- SelfControl App - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2013selfcontrolapp Evernote - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2013evernote Honourable Mention: 7 Minute Workout App - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2013johnson7minuteapp -= Books =- Total Recall Audible - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2103totalrecallaudio Amazon - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2013totalrecallbook SPIN Selling Audible - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2013spinsellingaudio Amazon - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2013spinsellingbook Honourable Mentions The One Thing - Gary Keller Audible - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2013theonethingaudio Amazon - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2013theonethingbook Start: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average and Do Work that Matters - Jon Acuff Audible - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2013startaudio Amazon - http://preneurmarketing.com/prc2013startbook -= Services/Tools =- LeadPages - http://www.preneurmarketing.com/LeadPages Auphonic - http://auphonic.com Honourable Mentions: Asana - Project Management - http://asana.com Satori - Coaching Sessions Booking Service - http://satoriapp.com Xero - Business Accounting - http://Xero.com -= People =- Ryan Holiday Adam (Dom's Nephew and Team Member) Honourable Mentions: Eli (Pete's Son) James Altucher -= Training Courses =- iVideoHero Product - http://www.preneurmarketing.com/iVideoHero Personal MBA - http://www.nightingale.com/products/personal-mba-masterclass/ Honourable Mentions: Plant Based Nutrition Course - Cornell - http://www.ecornell.com/certificates/plant-based-nutrition/ Mind Body Green Course - http://www.mindbodygreen.com/course/the-ultimate-guide-to-plant-based-nutrition-with-rich-roll -= General Links =- Books: No Meat Athlete Amazon - http://preneurmarketing.com/nomeatathletebook Fooling Houdini - Alex Stone Audible - http://preneurmarketing.com/foolinghoudiniaudio Amazon - http://preneurmarketing.com/foolinghoudinibook - Online No Meat Athlete site - http://www.nomeatathlete.com/ iVideoHero Post - http://preneurmarketing.com/online-marketing/how-i-saved-1204-yesterday-thanks-to-ivideohero/ - Previous PreneurCast Episodes: All previous episodes are available over at http://preneurmarketing.com along with show notes, links and full transcripts of each episode. Episode 121 - No Meat Athlete - http://preneurmarketing.com/preneurcast/preneurcast121-no-meat-athlete-with-matt-frazier/ Episode 113 - Josh Kaufman - http://preneurmarketing.com/preneurcast/preneurcast113-accelerated-learning-with-josh-kaufman/ -=- For more information about Pete and Dom, visit us online at http://preneurmarketing.com or drop us a line at: preneurcast@preneurgroup.com If you like what we’re doing, please leave us a review on iTunes or a comment on the Web Site at http://preneurmarketing.com