PMP#159: Watching “How To with John Wilson”

Mark, Lawrence, Sarahlyn, and Al all watched the three seasons of this groundbreaking, polarizing documentary show that serves as a visual diary and collection of essays by its creator. While episode titles sound like practical advice, the investigations invariably swerve into something weird or philosophical. But did we enjoy it? For more, visit Hear bonus content for every episode at or by subscribing via Apple Podcasts to the Mark Lintertainment Channel.

Om Podcasten

A philosopher, an actor/musician, and a sci-fi writer (often with entertainment industry guests) talk about media and how we consume it: TV, film, music, novels, games, comics, comedy, theater, podcasts, online video, and more. Most of what (other) people like is pretty weird when you think about it, so thinking about it is what we do.