Lisa Coleman: 'Prince and I just connected musically'

Prince's longtime collaborator and keyboard player, Lisa Coleman, joined Prince's band in the early 1980s and became a member of the Revolution. Coleman spoke to The Current's Andrea Swensson about her time working with Prince, both in the studio and on the road. "Hang around Prince, and stuff was going to happen," Coleman recalls. "And it did. I never met anybody that really followed through on everything they said like that." Listen to Andrea's full conversation with Lisa Coleman.

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Prince Rogers Nelson left this universe behind on April 21, 2016, leaving fans worldwide in mourning. Maybe nowhere in the world has felt this loss as profoundly than Prince's home state of Minnesota. And to The Current, a radio station from Minnesota Public Radio, Prince was more than an artist, he was our friend. That's why, in memory of the Purple One, we’re sharing the many conversations we’ve had with musicians, critics, reporters and more about Prince: his life, his music and his legacy.