Episode 204 - Jon Huck and Sunah Bilsted

Comedian/actors Jon Huck (@jonhuck) and Sunah Bilsted (@thesunah) join Matt and Andy to talk about showering techniques, new pets, that Warner Bros. frog, chemistry on acid, a Carl Sagan tribute act, the historic SpaceX landing, hyperhidrosis, antiperspirant conspiracies, a too-stealthy sea vessel, the upcoming book Grunt, Hawking and the Russians sending a tiny craft to Alpha Centauri, a bullshit paper on creepiness, and antimemories.

Om Podcasten

Professional comedians with so-so STEM pedigrees take you through this week in science. Incompetently. Featuring hosts Matt Kirshen, Andy Wood (and sometimes Jesse Case or Brooks Wheelan) along with a rotating cast of special guests from the worlds of comedy and science.