Episode 207 - Fahim Anwar

Fahim Anwar (@fahimanwar) recently made his first appearance on Conan as well as the Tina Fey movie Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, and he joins Matt and Andy to discuss birthday escape rooms, engineering degrees to subsidize comedy, bringing people back from the dead, more head transplant news, archaeology vs. paleontology, another EM Drive debunking from Sean Carroll, tons of oral spider sex, enzyme corrections, 3D-printed fake rhino horns, breast cancer gene mapping and where to find Fahim Anwar performances.

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Professional comedians with so-so STEM pedigrees take you through this week in science. Incompetently. Featuring hosts Matt Kirshen, Andy Wood (and sometimes Jesse Case or Brooks Wheelan) along with a rotating cast of special guests from the worlds of comedy and science.