Episode 208 - Zach Sherwin

Comedian/rapper/writer Zach Sherwin (@ZachSherwin) can be seen on Epic Rap Battles of History, among many other places, and he joins Matt and Andy to talk about writing a JAP battle rap battle on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, p-branes, playing Einstein, the new Ghostbusters script, Andy’s bidet, magician hacks and Joel Hodgson's ventriloquism mask invention, Shy Tony, silver underwear, John Oliver’s science story, a teen's Mayan discovery that may not be what it seems, everyone yells air ball at the same pitch, diving robots, being bepenised, and long-lasting batteries.

Om Podcasten

Professional comedians with so-so STEM pedigrees take you through this week in science. Incompetently. Featuring hosts Matt Kirshen, Andy Wood (and sometimes Jesse Case or Brooks Wheelan) along with a rotating cast of special guests from the worlds of comedy and science.